Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I pay my water bills?
• Go to lipa na MPESA then paybill
• Enter paybill no. 716038
• Enter your 12-digit water connection number as account number
• Enter amount to pay
• Enter your MPESA pin and send
• You shall get a confirmation SMS of your payment
How do I apply for a new water connection?
You will need to visit our area offices near you and fill a form requesting for water connection. Our staff will visit site and asses availability of water service at your premises. The form will then have to go through a value addition process. You will be connected with service if your form passes through all the process and if not, you will be communicated.
How do I pay for reconnection fee?
You need to have an invoice generated from our offices.
You then use pay bill method to make payment just like water bill.
Your account number is your invoice number as it is. Use CAPITAL LETTERS.
Can I stop supply of water for sometimes while I am not using the services?
Yes, you can apply to stop water services while you are away for sometimes. You will visit our offices and get a form where you will fill in your details and make payments for temporary disconnection. You will however need to fill the form again for reconnection when you require water services back.
How do I Check Bill, report a complaint or complement?
You can call our customer care numbers provided in the website and put forth your complain.
Type *483*032# and follow the dialogue that pops up.
You will be able to track the status of your complain by using the SMS Ticket sent to your phone.
Can I have more than one connection in one plot?
No, you cannot have more than one connection in one plot. Our policy is one plot one connection.
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