Nakuru Rural Water and Sanitation Company Limited (NARUWASCO) is a Water Service Provider (WSP) under the County Government of Nakuru and the Rift Valley Water Services Board who are the License holders. The company is thus a legally constituted entity capable of undertaking its functions as stipulated in its Articles and Memorandum of Association.
NARUWASCO was incorporated under Companies Act, Cap 486 of the Laws of Kenya (Certificate of Incorporation Number C.128339 dated 14th September 2006). The company was primarily established to provide clean water and sanitation services within its area of jurisdiction. The Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company has been aligned to the Constitution 2010, which provides that water Services is a devolved function. Accordingly, the company is now fully owned by the County Government of Nakuru.
The company has 7 Board of Directors (5t competitively recruited to represent stakeholders, and 2 representing the county government of Nakuru). The service area of the company is the whole of Nakuru County except Nakuru and Naivasha Urban Centers.
The day to day management of the activities of the company is in the hands of the staff headed by the Managing Director through an elaborate structure that enables each staff member to be responsibly accountable to an area of jurisdiction. Our area of jurisdiction with a population of 1.1million (2009 Census) has been divided into five distinct administrative regions/areas headed by Area Managers, namely: Eastern, Northern, Central, Western and Southern. We currently serve a population of 350,000 with water.
Section 78 and 83 of the Water Act 2016:
A water services provider shall be responsible for-
- the provision of water services within the area specified in the license; and
- the development of county assets for water service provision.
- to hold the County or National public water services assets on behalf of the public
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